Nostalgic Bites of Bliss
It is likely you grew up eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If you didn’t I’m sure you have heard how brilliantly these flavors go together – like chips and salsa or cashew cream and cauliflower nachos! PB&J was the inspiration for this recipe. 8 simple ingredients used to make these truffles, they may just become your go-to dessert!

Peanut Butter & Jelly Truffles
Author: Bekah Rife
Category: Gluten-Free, Vegan
Cuisine: Dessert, Sweets
- 1 cup peanuts
- 1½ cups pitted Medjool dates (perfect because they are soft, chewy and have a caramel like taste)
- ½ cup dried cranberries
- ½ teaspoon sea salt
- 3 cups boiling water
- 1 cup vegan chocolate chips or raw dark chocolate
- 1½ teaspoon coconut oil
- Coconut oil cooking spray (I use Trader Joe's)
- Finishing salt (I love Maldon sea salt flakes)
- First, gather your mise en place. (mi ˑ zɑ̃ ˑ plas)
- Place the peanuts in food processor and blend until they look like big crumbs, about 20 seconds. Remove and place into a small bowl.
- Pour the dates into your processor. Blend until they are broken down and begin to form a ball in your processor. Add the chopped peanuts and continue to blend until the ingredients are incorporated well.
- Next, add the cranberries and sprinkle in the salt. Process again, you may need to scrape the sides a few times and then continue blending. When the ingredients are mixed well pour into a big bowl. This is your filling.
- Using about 1½ tablespoons of filling, begin to create each truffle. To make sure the filling dough holds its circular shape, squeeze the dough tossing it between each hand until it is sticky, not crumbly. Next, roll into a ball applying pressure between each hand and moving them in a circular clockwise motion. Place each rolled truffle together onto a plate.
- Line a baking tray with parchment paper and spray lightly with coconut oil spray. Place the cooling rack on top of the lined baking tray. Set aside.
- Put a steel mixing bowl over the boiling water and turn the heat down to medium-low. Place the chocolate and coconut oil in the bowl and whisk continually until the chocolate is fully melted and creamy. The coconut oil helps the chocolate liquify and stay smooth. Remove the bowl from the heat.
- Carefully roll your first truffle into the melted chocolate with a spoon until it is well coated. Drag the truffle up the bowl and shake it gently in the spoon to remove the extra chocolate. Place it on the cooling rack. The rack allows the excess chocolate to drip off. Continue this technique until you have coated all the truffles. If you have left over chocolate you can use your spoon to drizzle it over your truffles. Allow 2 minutes for the excess chocolate to drip off.
- Carefully pick up your cooling rack and one at a time place each truffle onto the lined baking tray. Sprinkle each truffle with finishing salt. Place your baking tray into the freezer finding an area where the pan can lay flat. Allow the truffles to freeze for 20 minutes or more.
- Remove your truffles 5-10 minutes before serving. Enjoy as they are or with vegan vanilla ice cream!
For another healthy spin on a childhood favorite, try our
Healthy Peanut Butter Cups!
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