Evolve Back Resort ~ Hampi, India

Birthday Luxury in India My twin sister Rachel and I spent our birthday in India this past May.  Even though we don’t live in the same city anymore, we have made it a goal to spend all our birthdays together, during this incarnation.  This has lead to reunions…

Masala Peanuts

A Clever Indian Snack My sister and I were recently in India and accidentally found Masala Peanuts.  We were enjoying a beer on the patio at our hotel restaurant.  We asked our server if they had Madrasi Mix or something of the sort to munch on.  He mentioned they did…

Ferdinand ~ Beirut, Lebanon

Recommended for a Reason My twin sister and I planned a week in Lebanon after spending some time in India.  We had a contact there who gave us a few good recommendations.  Our first inquiry was a suggestion for Sunday evening cocktails.  He said without a doubt, Ferdinand in the…

Saffron Stewed Chickpeas

Tapas Time! I am not so secretly obsessed with Spain. It is easily in my top 2 favorite countries I have visited. I love the people, the energy, street culture and their style of dress and dining. When I first had tapas in Spain, I thought, wow this is feasting…

Dreamin’ with Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club~ Buttery Lagoon As a synchronized swimmer, there is a high chance whoever is hiring may want you to do something out-there ex: swim with sharks, perform a completely underwater show, swim in 50-degree water, perform with high heels on – things of this nature.  This…

Dry Roasted Cashews with a Kick

Cashews, a Sure Way to Cure Your Hunger As a plant-based chef, I usually have cashews in the kitchen. They are key for a variety of sauces, cheeses and desserts. When I’m not soaking or blending them, I like to serve them whole as a snack. Here…

When Creative Collaboration Calls

Hallelujah A few days after the new year I met up with my friend Adam and a couple others.  While Adam and I got to talking that afternoon I learned that he is a trained jazz singer.  He signs and performs all over the world!  I mentioned how I want…

Chefchaouen, Morocco

(pronounced) · Shafshāwan Before departing for Morocco, I asked my friend Mike who is from the motherland for tips.  Among much advice (of which I obeyed 95%) a must was to visit Chefchaoen.  My initial thought, let me practice saying the name correctly first a couple times.  He described it…